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The Divorce Healing Journey...

Since divorce is a significant loss, it requires time to grieve and heal!  In this unique emotional healing journey, you'll learn how to acknowledge your emotions, process your pain and let go of your painful past so you can move on to a better, happier future.


This empowering transformative journey includes useful self-care advice, emotional coaching and support along with personal growth strategies that help enable you restore your SELF-WORTH, rebuild your SELF-CONFIDENCE and reclaim your PERSONAL POWER!

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Grieving & Processing Divorce

RESTORE Self-Worth:  Begin the process of grieving and releasing pain, by rediscovering your self-worth. Improve your emotional health and learn to accept your divorce reality.

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Still Feeling Stuck & Triggered

REBUILD Self-Confidence:  Learn how to let go of the past and re-focus your time and energy on becoming an independent, emotionally-free, confident divorced mom!

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Ready To Move On & Be Happy

RECLAIM Personal Power:   Ready to embrace your role as divorced mom with joy, enthusiasm and passion. Grow emotionally stronger and empowered to create a happier life. 

if this feels like you...

  • SAD because you're mourning the loss of your marriage and being a family

  • AFRAID because you're worried about your future, financial stability and being a single mom

  • ANGRY and feeling frustration and resentment towards your ex and your divorce situation

  • RELIEVED by a new sense of freedom from a challenging marriage and being unhappy

  • HOPEFUL and open to new possibilities and a fresh start to a better life

if this feels like you...

  • ANGRY because you're holding on to resentment from past pain and have unresolved issues with your ex

  • ANXIOUS whenever you think or have to interact with your ex

  • DEPRESSED because of lingering grief over the end of your marriage 

  • AFRAID  because you feel vulnerable or uncertain about co-parenting with your ex

  • FRUSTRATED because you still feel stuck and unable to move on due to ongoing emotional triggers​ around your divorce

if this feels like you...

  • MOTIVATED by a strong desire to be more confident and take control of your life and future

  • EXCITED about embracing new opportunities, experiences, and relationships

  • HOPEFUL that you and your children have a brighter, more fulfilling future ahead of you

  • OPEN-MINDED and ready to experience emotional closure and freedom from your divorce pain

  • INVESTED and open to self-care and personal growth in order to feel happy again

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